Budget Maintenance


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Budget Report





Access this window using one of the following methods:


Use Budget Maintenance to view and compare any combination of budgets and actual activity from any fiscal year, and to maintain multiple budgets on an account-by-account basis.

For example, you can select multiple budgets to display such as your original budget and revised budget for the current fiscal year, your original budget from the past fiscal year, and the actual posting activity for the current fiscal year. While viewing these selected budgets and activity, you can manually edit budget amounts. You can also clear any budget column to zero.

You can apply various change budget calculations that affect all budget amounts in a budget column. For example, you can use change budget calculations to automatically increase or decrease budget amounts by a cumulative or percentage.

In addition, you can use the Calculate Budgets Wizard to revise a specific budget for the selected general ledger account in Budget Maintenance based on another source budget or activity. You can revise a budget by copying source budget or activity, or by adjusting the source budget or activity by a percent or an amount.




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