Tax Table Maintenance - Filing Status - Fields


Tax Table Maintenance - Filing Status

Filing Status

Enter the filing status code, or click the Lookup button to list all filing status codes. If the filing status code entered is not on file, enter a description of the new filing status in the untitled field located to the right of this field.


Percentage of Federal W/H

If you entered tax calculation step 3 (subtract federal withholding) in the Edit Tax Calculation Steps window, enter the percentage of the federal withholding amount subtracted from the taxable wage for this filing status. If all of the federal withholding amount is subtracted, enter 0.

If you entered tax calculation step 1 (tax is a percentage of federal withholding) or P (tax is a percentage of state withholding), and it is not followed by step A (Add Adjustment, S (Add Surcharge), or 7 (Apply Tax Table), enter the percentage of federal or state withholding amount used for this filing status.

If you entered tax calculation step 1 or P, followed by step A, S, or 7, the tables following steps 1 or P are based on the percentage of federal or state withholding, and TABLE is displayed at this field.

Note This field is available only if you entered tax calculation step 1, 3, or P.


Federal W/H Deduction Limit

If you entered tax calculation step 1 or P in the Edit Tax Calculation Steps window, enter the annual limit to the amount of withholding tax that can be deducted based on this step. If there is no limit, enter 0.

If you entered tax calculation step 3, enter the annual limit to the amount of federal withholding tax that can be subtracted from the taxable wages.

Note This field is available only if you entered tax calculation step 1, 3, or P.


Supplemental Tax Percentage

Enter the percentage amount for supplemental tax for this filing status. This percentage is used to calculate withholding amounts for earnings codes with Supplemental selected in the Withholding field in Earnings Code Maintenance (for example, bonus pay).


Low Income Limit

Enter the annual income amount below which withholding tax is not to be calculated. Enter 0 if there is no limit.



Select whether this deduction/exemption type is applicable to the current filing status. This column is not available for the Dependent Exemption field.


Max. Number Allowed

Enter the maximum number of deduction/exemption types that can be claimed for the current filing status. This column is not available for the Standard Deduction field.


Annual Amount

Enter the deduction amount allowed per year for this deduction/exemption type. If you selected Percent in the Applicable field, enter the percentage rate.


Lower Limit

Enter the least possible standard amount for this deduction/exemption type. Enter 0 if there is no lower limit.


Upper Limit

Enter the greatest possible standard amount for this deduction/exemption type. Enter 0 if there is no upper limit.

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