Dashboard Options - Fields


Dashboard Options

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Company Name

Type the company name to display on the Home page. If this field is left blank, the company name from the SY0CTL file is used.


Company Logo Image

Enter the image file to display on the header of the Web pages as the company logo. Click the Folder button to search for an image. Click the Image button to view the company image.

Note Depending on the size of the image used for the logo, the image may be adjusted to fit within the header area.

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Number of Segments in Pie Chart

Select the number of segments to be used for data elements containing a pie chart. You can select 4 to 6 segments. You can override this value by using the Options button in the Dashboard Maintenance Wizard.


Number of Detail Lines in Table

Type the number of detail lines (maximum of 99) to be used in the tables that correspond to the pie charts. You can enter 5 to 99 detail lines. You can override this value by clicking the Options button in the Dashboard Maintenance Wizard. This feature is designed to allow for the display of more information than is visible in a graph.


Prompt User for Update

Select whether and/or how often to allow updates of the Business Insights data and the generation of the Home and Web pages. You can proceed with an update or launch the Business Insights reports using the existing data and generated Web pages. To update the information every time a Dashboard page is accessed, select Always. Options configured for use in a Dashboard do not take affect until the Dashboard is updated.

Note If the setting in this field is set to Never and the Perform Automatic Update and Page Generation check box is selected, the Dashboard pages will not be generated.


Perform Automatic Update and Page Generation

Select this check box to allow for the setup of parameters for an automatic update of data used for the Business Insights reports and the generation of the Home and Web pages. This process is executed using a polling program. After defining the setup parameters, the polling program can be started or stopped using Start Automatic Dashboard Update.

Note If this check box is selected and the Prompt User for Update field is set to Never, the Dashboard pages will not be generated.


Number of Hours Between Executions

Enter the number of hours between executions of the automatic Business Insights update. You can enter a number from 1 to 24. You can access Start Automatic Dashboard Update to start the polling program.


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