Search Grid - Fields


Search Grid


Column Name

Select a column name to search. This field contains all the column names in the primary and secondary grids that are not hidden.



Select an operand to limit your selection to a particular value or range of values. After you select an operand, enter the value or values for the operand in the Search Value field. The following operands are available:


Operand Function

Begins with Selects only the information for the Column Name that begins with the Search Value entered.
Ends with Selects only the information for the Column Name that ends with the Search Value entered.
Contains Selects only the information for the Column Name that contains the Search Value entered.
Greater than Selects only the information for the Column Name that is greater than or equal to the Search Value entered.
Less than Selects only the information for the Column Name that is less than, but not equal to, the Search Value entered.

Equal to

Selects only the information for the Column Name that is equal to the Search Value entered.

Not Equal to

Selects only the information for the Column Name that is not equal to the Search Value entered.


Multiple values can be entered using a comma to enlarge the selection criteria. You can also use alternate separators (other than the reserved comma) to separate multiple selection values. The alternate separators include the following:


~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - = [ ] \ ; " / _ + { } | : < > ?


NOTE When alternate separators are used, the value list must end with the alternate separator character.


Search Value

Enter a value to search the grid for. If you are entering a date, use the 5/31/04 format rather than 053104, 05-31-04, or 05/31/04.

Note The format for the date that you enter must match the format defined in Regional Options in Control Panel.

Note  A number with decimal places is compared as an integer. For example, entering a search value of 12.00 is not treated the same as 12. Insignificant digits are not compared in searches.


Search Direction

Select whether to search up or down the grid.

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