

Window Details





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Add Form Codes and Report Settings

Export Form Codes and Report Settings

Copy Form Codes and Report Settings

Customize Forms and Reports in Report Manager


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Report Manager


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Select Library Master Setup menu > Report Manager. In the Report Manager window, select a form or report and click the Maintain button. The Maintain window appears if form codes or report settings for the selected form or report have been added using Add New Format.

Note This task is available only for some modules.


Use Maintain to maintain form codes and report settings in Report Manager. You can copy, export, or delete form codes and report settings, or customize them in Crystal Designer. Forms and reports can be customized individually or all at once for one company or all companies.

Form codes and report settings must be added to Report Manager to be customized using Maintain. When a new form code or report setting is added, the corresponding Crystal .RPT file is copied into the new folder structure for customization.

Note Form codes and report settings must be created in the report or form printing window. For more information, see Create a New Form on the Fly.




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