A/P Division Maintenance


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How Do I...



Set Up Accounts Payable for a New Company










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Accounts Payable Options

Applying Accounts Payable Retention



Select Accounts Payable Setup menu > Division Maintenance.


Use Division Maintenance to organize your vendor and invoice information by divisions. Setting up divisions allows you to post payables transactions by division number and produce divisional payables reports. You can create divisions by department, branch, or profit center for reporting purposes. Up to 99 divisions can be established.

Multiple divisions are available only if the Accounts Payable Divisions check box is selected in the Accounts Payable Options window.

Divisions also affect the numbering of your vendors. The division number precedes the vendor number entered in Vendor Maintenance. The division number assigned to each vendor determines which general ledger accounts are posted to when an invoice or check is processed. Additionally, all reports containing vendor and invoice information provide subtotals by division.

By assigning Accounts Payable and Discount general ledger accounts to each division, amounts posted to each account reflect the activities for that division. If the Accounts Payable module is integrated with General Ledger, you can reflect the Accounts Payable ending-balance amounts for each cost center on your financial statements and other general ledger reports.

Note You cannot post invoices or checks if the applicable general ledger account numbers are blank.



Division No.

Retention Payable


Freight Account

Accounts Payable

A/P Sales Tax Account

Discounts Earned/Discounts Taken

Nonrecoverable Tax Account

Cash Account

Use Tax Account

Discounts Lost



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