Copy From (Price Level by Customer Maintenance) - Fields


Copy From (Price Level by Customer Maintenance)

Customer No.

Enter the customer number to copy from, or click the Lookup button to list all customer numbers with product line/price levels already defined.


Selections Grid

This grid displays all product line/price level records for the selected copy-from customer.



Select this check box to copy individual product line/price level records. Clear this check box if you do not want to copy the individual product line/price level records. Click the Select All button to select the Copy check box for all existing product line/price level records. Click the Unselect All button to clear the Copy check box for all the selected product line/price level records.


Overwrite Existing Product Line/Price Level Records

Select this check box to overwrite existing product line/price level records for the copy-to customer. Clear this check box if you do not want to overwrite existing product line/price level records.

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