Finance Charge Calculation


Window Details


How Do I...



Calculate Finance Charges



Adjust Finance Charge Invoices




Related Topics


Invoice Data Entry



Select the Accounts Receivable Period End menu > Finance Charge Calculation.


Charge Calculation to calculate finance charges on overdue amounts before printing customer statements. You can specify a customer number range, aging date, statement cycle (monthly, bimonthly, etc.), and minimum balance to use in the calculation. Finance charges are calculated for all customers and all statement cycles, as of the current date, and are based on the minimum overdue balance for applying a finance charge established in Accounts Receivable Options. When the calculations are completed, you can calculate the finance charge for another range of customers, or print the Finance Charge Journal.

If you click Clear after a calculation is performed, but before the Finance Charge Journal is updated, the calculated finance charges are deleted and are not applied against the customer's unpaid balance.

Note If invoices must be printed for finance charges, you can create finance charge invoices from the Invoice Data Entry window by typing an –FC in the Invoice No. field.

If applying finance charges is an exception rather than a common practice in your business, you may want to skip the Finance Charge Calculation task and enter the finance charges individually in Finance Charge Entry.

Note If None is selected in the Computation Method field in the Accounts Receivable Options window, Finance Charge Calculation is not available.



Aging Date


Min Balance to Apply


Min Finance Charge to Apply



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