Finance Charge Entry


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Finance Charge Journal



Select Accounts Receivable Period End menu > Finance Charge Entry.

This task is available only if Fixed or Percent is selected in the Computation Method field in the Accounts Receivable Options window.


Use Finance Charge Entry to manually apply finance charges to individual customers or to adjust calculated finance charges automatically. If applying finance charges is an exception rather than a rule, you may want to skip Finance Charge Calculation and enter the charges using this task. At the completion of Finance Charge Entry, you can print the Finance Charge Journal to review your entries for accuracy. The information can then be updated, and the finance charges are reflected on the customers' next statements.

Note Cash customers cannot be entered in Finance Charge Entry.

Note  If invoices must be printed for finance charges, you can create finance charge invoices from the Invoice Data Entry window by typing an –FC in the Invoice No. field. For more information, see Invoice Data Entry.

The aging categories displayed are Days or Months, depending on whether Days or Months is selected in the Aging Categories to Be Used field in the Accounts Receivable Options window. If you use the Fixed method for calculating finance charges, the fixed amount entered in Accounts Receivable Options is added to the customer balance automatically unless a different amount was entered for specific customers in the Customer file. If a blank percentage (or amount) is on file for any customers in the range selected, no finance charge is calculated. If you use the Percentage method for calculating finance charges, the percentage entered in Accounts Receivable Options is used to perform the calculation. If a different percentage is on file for individual customers in the Customer file, that percentage is used instead. If the calculated finance charge is not greater than the minimum finance charge amount entered in Accounts Receivable Options, the minimum finance charge amount is used instead.



Customer No.


Finance Charge Applied



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