Apply Debit or Credit Memos to an Accounts Receivable Invoice


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Use this procedure to apply debit memos or credit memos to an Accounts Receivable invoice.

To apply debit or credit memos to an Accounts Receivable Invoice

  1. Select Accounts Receivable Main menu > Invoice Data Entry.

  2. In the Invoice Number field, enter DM (debit memos) or CM (credit memos) and click the Next Invoice No. button. For more information, see Invoice Data Entry - Fields.

  3. In the Customer No. field, enter the customer number that is associated with the invoice you want to apply the debit or credit memo to.

Note If you are using the bill-to/sold-to feature and the invoice was created using a bill-to customer, select the sold-to customer number for the debit or credit memo.

  1. In the Apply To Invoice field, enter the invoice the debit or credit memo is being applied to.

  1. Click the Lines tab and select the item, or enter the amount for the debit or credit memo.

  2. Click Accept.

The debit or credit memo is applied to the invoice.

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