Terms Code Maintenance (On the Fly)


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Terms Code Listing



Select Accounts Receivable Main menu > Customer Maintenance. In the Customer Maintenance window, on the Main tab, enter a new terms code in the Terms Code field.


Use Terms Code Maintenance to establish common payment terms offered to your customers on the fly. After terms codes are established, you can assign these standard terms to customers. During invoice processing, discount amounts are calculated automatically, and invoice and discount due dates are displayed based on the terms code assigned to each customer.

A default "no terms" code of 00 has been established for use with customers not entitled to discount terms. When establishing customer information and during Invoice Data Entry, terms code 00 must be used for these customers. Terms code 00 cannot be deleted from the file, but you can enter 00 to access this record and change the description if necessary.

You only need to enter each term once. You can recall the appropriate terms information (for example, 2% 10 Days, Net 30 Days) for any customer by selecting the correct code.



Terms Code

Days Discount Allowed


Day of the Month (Days Discount Allowed)

Copy From

Minimum Days Allowed (Days Discount Allowed)

Days Before Due

Discount Method

Day of the Month (Days Before Due)

Discount Rate

Minimum Days Allowed (Days Before Due)



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