Bar Code Options - Fields


Bar Code Options


1. Main


Number of Days to Retain Import History

Type the number of days to retain import history. The minimum days to retain history is 90 days. Import history retained on or before the number of days specified is purged automatically during period-end processing, or it can be purged using the Purge Imported Transaction History Data check box in the Purge Bar Code Import History window.


I/M Prompt for Bar Code Receipt Labels

Select this check box to be prompted to print bar code inventory receipt labels after printing the Inventory Management Transaction Register, and before the update. Clear this check box if you do not want to print the bar code receipt labels.


Prompt for Standard I/M Receipt Labels

Select this check box to be prompted for standard inventory receipt labels after printing the Inventory Management Transaction Register, and before the update. Clear this check box if you do not want to print the standard inventory receipt labels.


P/O Prompt for Bar Code Receipt Labels

Select this check box to be prompted to print bar code purchase order receipt labels after printing the Purchase Order Daily Receipts Register, and before the update. Clear this check box if you do not want to print the bar code purchase order receipt labels.


Prompt for Standard P/O Receipt Labels

Select this check box to be prompted for standard purchase order receipt labels after printing the Purchase Order Daily Receipts Register, and before the update. Clear this check box if you do not want to print the standard purchase order receipt labels.


2. Files


Delete Files After Manual Import

Select this check box to delete work files after importing. If this check box is selected, you are prompted to delete the file in Import Inventory Transactions, Import Purchase Order Transactions, Import Sales Order Transactions, and Import Bill of Materials Transactions; the file will not be deleted automatically without your confirmation. Clear this check box if you do not want to delete files after importing.

You should clear this check box so that you can keep the files for audit purposes. The file will not be deleted but will be renamed with the extension specified in the Rename Import Files Using Extension field. If this check box is cleared, you can purge these files using the Purge Imported Transaction History Data check box in the Purge Bar Code Import History window.


Rename Import Files Using Extension

Type the file extension to use for renaming old import files. By renaming the file, you will still have it available as a backup in case the imported data is deleted in error. This field is available only if the Delete Files After Manual Import check box is cleared.

Periodically, you will want to delete the files with this extension from your hard drive.


Exclude Renamed Imported Files from Lookup

Select this check box to exclude file names with the extension entered in the Rename Import Files Using Extension field, when using the Lookup in Import Inventory Transactions, Import Purchase Order Transactions, Import Sales Order Transactions, and Import Bill of Materials Transactions. Select this check box to minimize the possibility of importing the same file twice. Clear this check box if you do not want to exclude the file name when using the Lookup feature. This field is available only if the Delete Files After Manual Import check box is cleared.

Note  If a file is imported twice, duplicate transactions will be created.


Default Path for Inventory Imports

Enter the default path for inventory import files, or click the Select Path button to search for the path.

Note  The default path must be based on the server’s logical drive mappings for Sage 100 Advanced. Do not map to the workstation.


Default Path for Purchase Order Imports

Enter the default path for purchase order import files, or click the Select Path button to search for the path.

Note  The default path must be based on the server’s logical drive mappings for Sage 100 Advanced. Do not map to the workstation.


Default Path for Sales Order Imports

Enter the default path for sales order import files, or click the Select Path button to search for the path.

Note  The default path must be based on the server’s logical drive mappings for Sage 100 Advanced. Do not map to the workstation.


Default Path for Bill of Materials Imports

Enter the default path for Bill of Materials import files, or click the Select Path button to search for the path.

Note  The default path must be based on the server’s logical drive mappings for Sage 100 Advanced. Do not map to the workstation.

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