Bill of Materials Maintenance


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Use Bill of Materials Maintenance to create and maintain bills of material. A bill of materials is commonly referred to as the bill structure because it defines the relationships between the component items that make up the bill (or product). A bill has a parent item code and component item codes. Use Bill of Materials Maintenance to set up, maintain, and inquire into the parent item, components, and miscellaneous charges that make up the parent item.

Information for each bill is divided into two parts. The first part consists of header information such as the bill description and bill type. Five fundamental bill types are supported: standard, engineering, inactive, kit, and phantom. The selected bill type depends on how the bill is used. The second part consists of component line items, miscellaneous charge codes, and comment lines.

During system startup, you can build a Bill of Materials file containing records for each bill structure. You can access information from the files that are already established to speed up the data entry process. For example, the Common Information file contains information used to create the Bill file.

Note Bills associated with an inventory item using Standard, Lot, or Serial valuation methods cannot be kit-type bills. Bills with an associated inventory item cannot be phantom-type bills.

After the Bill file is established and all bills are on file, you can perform any necessary maintenance by entering the bill number and/or revision code, and then modifying the appropriate fields.





1. Header


Maximum Lot Size




2. Lines


Del Change Dte

Extended Desc



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