Internet Item Attachments


Window Details


How Do I...



Add Internet Item Attachments






Related Topics


Miscellaneous Item Maintenance

Internet Item

Item Maintenance

Web Template Options

Select Internet Item Categories





Access this window using one of the following methods:

Note This task is available only if the eBusiness Manager module is installed and if the Internet Enabled check box is selected in Miscellaneous Item Maintenance.


Use Internet Item Attachments to associate up to eight attachments to appear with the Internet item on the Item Detail Web page. Attachments can be images, documents, or URLs. You can also select an image to identify the specified links.

The attachment titles are based on the attachment descriptions specified in the eBusiness Manager Web Template Options window. If an attachment is not specified, this area is left blank and the corresponding fields are disabled.

Warning When .bmp images are used on a Web page, performance is extremely slow.

Note Images are stored in the MAS90\Images\xxx folder (where xxx is the company code).



Item Code


Reduce Standard Image for Thumbnail Image

Link Description




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