Create an Invoice History Lookup View


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Use this procedure to create an Invoice History lookup view with additional search options for locating an invoice. For more information on lookup views, see Create a Lookup View.

Note If another user is creating or modifying a lookup code using the User Lookup Wizard when you attempt to create or modify a lookup view, a message appears and prevents you both from continuing. You cannot use the User Lookup Wizard at the same time.


To create an Invoice History lookup view

  1. Perform one of the following to access the AR Invoice History Header lookup window:

  2. Select Accounts Receivable Main menu > Invoice History Inquiry. Click the Invoice No. lookup button. For more information, see Invoice History Inquiry - Fields.

  3. Select Sales Order Main menu > Sales Order Entry. Enter an order number, and click Copy from. In the Copy From window, in the Copy from field, select Invoice History, and then click the Copy from Number lookup button. For more information, see Copy From - Fields.

  1. In the AR Invoice History Header window, click Custom. For more information, see Lookup.

Note The Custom button is not available if the Locked Customization check box is selected in the User Lookup Wizard.

  1. On the Lookup Customization Wizard page, in the View field, select Create new view, and enter a description for the new view. Alternately, select an existing view to modify.

  2. To set the new lookup view as the default view, select the Default View check box. Click Next.

  3. In the second Lookup Customization Wizard page, add, remove, and reorganize fields as needed in the Selected Columns list box. For example:

  4. Add the Comment, ShipToCode, and ShipToZipCode fields to the Selected Columns list box.

  5. Scroll to the bottom of the Available Fields list, and expand AR_Customer to view the fields in that table. Add the TelephoneNo field to the Selected Columns list box.

Note Linked files from modules that are not activated appear in the Available Fields list box.

  1. Click Next.  

  2. Use the third Lookup Customization Wizard page to add, delete, or modify filters. Click Next.

    Note For instructions on how to create filters, see Filter the Lookup Criteria.

  3. In the final Lookup Customization Wizard page, make any final changes to the lookup view.

  4. Select the Initial Display check box to load data in the lookup at run time. If you do not want data initially loaded in the lookup at run time because you have a large number of records and want to perform a search before displaying records, clear this check box.

  5. In the Title field, type a title that will display in the lookup window title bar.

  6. In the Default Search Column field, select a default field to appear in the Search field in the lookup window.

  7. In the Default Search Option field, select a default field to appear in the Operand field in the lookup window.

  1. Click Finish to see your newly created lookup view.

The Invoice History lookup view has been created.

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