Command Scripts


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Use Command scripts to specify the application and the arguments to execute when an image, multimedia, or program link control is selected. Regardless of the type of link control, a valid command line must be entered in the same format as in a DOS command line or in the Windows Run dialog box.

The general format for the command script is an executable program name followed by one or more arguments. The command script is evaluated as a single, contiguous command line.

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The following command script starts Microsoft Paint and displays the CAR.BMP file: MSPAINT C:\BITMAPS\CAR.BMP

The following command script uses the first six characters of the name object as the name of the bitmap file to display: MSPAINT C:\BITMAPS\{AR_Customer_bus_CustomerName$}.BMP

Note These sample scripts can be entered without including MSPAINT in the command; Windows runs the appropriate program based on the file's extension if the program is properly registered.

The use of command scripts for image, multimedia, or program link controls is optional. You can enter the name of the file to use or execute in the File Name field on the External Link Definition Link Settings tab. Scripts are used only if the Script Editor button is chosen, or if a .TXT file containing a script is referenced in the File Name field.

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