Select the name of the application program file. Click the File button to select a file.
Enter a DDE topic. Topics are generally used to pass the name of a file to the DDE application. Refer to the appropriate DDE technical reference to verify which topics are supported by the application.
Enter the DDE Script. The type of script that can be entered depends on the link type selected for the control.
DDE Script - Specify the DDE application with which to communicate and enter the topic. Enter any number of lines of text to use as the DDE script. Depending on the module you are editing the script for, you can reference data from panel controls or business object columns as arguments to the DDE command.
Multimedia or Image Script - Enter a single-line script that specifies the name of the file to display or play. Depending on the module you are editing the script for, you can reference data from panel controls or business object columns as arguments to the DDE command.
Program Script - Enter a single-line script that is a valid DOS/Windows command. Typically, the format is a name of an executable file or a batch file followed by arguments. Depending on the module you are editing the script for, you can reference data from panel controls or business object columns as arguments to the DDE command.
Note The script can be entered without including MSPAINT in the command; Windows runs the appropriate program based on the file's extension.
For more information, see Insert Data References and Functions into a Script.
Double-click an available data reference to insert it in the script.
Double-click an available function to insert the function in the script.
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