Customizer Glossary


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Expand/Collapse item  Advanced Field Settings (AFS)

Advanced field settings are used to create and edit advanced settings for standard fields and user-defined fields (UDFs) in a selected table.


Expand/Collapse item  Button

Buttons are used to initiate an action. Button control names start with the BT_ prefix.


Expand/Collapse item  Check Box

A check box is a box that can be selected to turn on an option, or cleared to turn off an option. More than one check box can be selected. Check box control names start with the CB_ prefix.


Expand/Collapse item  Command Script

Use Command scripts to specify the module and the arguments to execute when an image, multimedia, or program link control is selected. Regardless of the type of link control, a valid command line must be entered in the same format as in a DOS command line or in the Windows Run dialog box.


Expand/Collapse item  Control

A control is a panel item that performs an action. Buttons and drop boxes are controls; both are items with which the user controls an action.


Expand/Collapse item  Data Reference

In both command and DDE scripts, you can make references to data from panel controls. Any data references in scripts must be enclosed in brackets [ ] or braces { }. Anything inside the brackets or braces is evaluated as a data reference. Use the brackets [ ] to enclose the evaluated data value in quotation marks (for example, "Data Value"). Use the braces { } if you do not want the data value to be enclosed in quotation marks.


Expand/Collapse item  Dialog Link

Use dialog links to add new dialog boxes to a panel on which to place link controls, user-defined fields, text items, or frame items.


Expand/Collapse item  Display Only

A display-only user-defined field (UDF) displays information that cannot be modified (the field is disabled). The data that appears is originally entered on a read/write panel. For example, a UDF that appears in Customer Inquiry would have had its data entered inCustomer Maintenance.


Expand/Collapse item  Drop Box

A drop box is a closed version of a list box with an arrow next to it. Clicking the arrow opens the drop-down list. Drop box control names start with the DB_ prefix.


Expand/Collapse item  Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)

A method of communication between programs in Microsoft Windows. Two or more programs that support Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) and are running simultaneously can exchange data and commands by means of a conversation.


Expand/Collapse item  Entity

In the Job Cost, Material Requirements Planning, Payroll, TimeCard, and Work Order modules, an entity represents a module file, such as the Employee file.


In other modules, an entity represents a document such as an invoice or a sales order.


Expand/Collapse item  Events

An event is a message sent by an object to signal the occurrence of an action.

The following table illustrates the events.

Table Events

Execution Description

Script Initialization

When scripting is first initialized for a business object

Set Defaults

When defaults are set for a new record


Before a record is written with the ability to prevent the write


After a record is written


Before a record is deleted with the ability to prevent the delete


After a record is deleted


After a record is read


Before totals are calculated (only on line detail tables)

Column Events



Before a column value is validated (after dictionary validation, but before MAS and Master Developer validations)


After a column value is validated


Expand/Collapse item  Event Scripts

Event scripts allow custom business rules to be defined for a specific table or column event.


Expand/Collapse item  Folder

Folders are special panel items containing one or more tabs. Each tab is associated with a panel that appears when that tab is selected. When a single panel is customized, all panels for the same folder are considered to be customized.


Expand/Collapse item  Format Mask

A mask can be used to format the conversion of numeric data to string data or to format string data. A format mask consists of a character string that describes how the number or character is converted. One output character is generated for each character present in the format mask. Format masks allow for the generation of fixed format data with the insertion of fill characters (usually spaces) to suppress leading/trailing zeroes.


Expand/Collapse item  Frame

Use frames to visually group objects that perform related functions together.


Expand/Collapse item  Function

Functions take one or more arguments and return either a character string or a numeric value. The resulting value of a function can, in turn, be used to perform string operations, numeric calculations, or used as arguments for another function.


Expand/Collapse item  Grid

In modules other than Job Cost, Material Requirements Planning, Payroll, TimeCard, and Work Order, grids are used in data entry and maintenance programs. In each data entry panel, a primary grid contains the main entry fields. A secondary grid on the same panel provides additional informational fields for each row in the primary grid. Grids allow increased flexibility in data entry, as users can personalize grid columns and rows, search grid contents, and export grid data.


Expand/Collapse item  Image Link

Use image links to display an image file. For example, the image link can be used to display a picture of an employee in the Payroll Employee Maintenance window. For an image link type, you must specify a valid image file type (.BMP, .JPG, .ICO, .PNG, .PCX, .WMF, .EMF, .TGA, etc.) or a script text file.


Expand/Collapse item  Item

An item is any element of a panel that can be moved or changed in some way by the Customizer module. Panel items that perform a function (as opposed to static text and frames) are also referred to as controls.

Panel items that can be changed by Customizer include the following:

  • Button

  • Link Control

  • Check Box

  • Grid

  • List Box

  • Drop Box

  • Multi-Line

  • Folder

  • Radio Button

  • Frame

  • Text


Expand/Collapse item  Library

A library file contains information relating to all panels and/or dialogs that are used by a task item. You may need to know the name of the library file to install or move customizations from the CUSTOM folder.


Expand/Collapse item  Link Control

Use link controls to send commands and data to another Windows application. For example, you can use the Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) link to send the customer name and address information to Microsoft® Word to create a dunning letter.


Expand/Collapse item  Linked User-Defined Fields (UDFs)

In the Job Cost, Material Requirements Planning, Payroll, TimeCard, and Work Order modules, if a UDF is set up for two entities that are linked and they are defined with the same name, size, and type, they can be used on certain panels to inherit default information.


Expand/Collapse item  List Box

A list box contains a list of items that can be selected. List box control names start with the LB_ prefix.


Expand/Collapse item  Master Script

All of the event scripts assigned to a specific table are combined into a single master script for a given business object.  Procedure names within a master script are based on the specific events defined for the table. Only the compiled master script can be executed in Sage 100.


Expand/Collapse item  Module

All programs are organized by modules. Modules are normally purchased separately but installed on the same system. A two-character code is assigned to each module and is used as the name of the folder where the module programs are stored, for example, AP for Accounts Payable and GL for General Ledger. This code is used as the first two characters of the program and data files associated with the module.


Expand/Collapse item  Microsoft Script Control script (MS Script)

An MS Script file is a text file that contains individual executable lines of code that conform to either the VBScript, JScript, or PvxScript scripting language. Use MS Script links to add a Microsoft Script Control script to a panel.


Expand/Collapse item  Multi-Line

A multi-line is a rectangular box in which the user can enter data. This control can be used for either single-line or multiple-line text entry. A scroll bar appears if multiple lines of text are entered. Use multi-lines to enter text, dates, and numbers.


Expand/Collapse item  Multimedia Link

Use Multimedia links to play a multimedia file (.avi, .mid, .wav, CD Audio, etc.). For example, the multimedia link can be used to play a video file containing operating instructions for a product from Item Inquiry.


Expand/Collapse item  Operator

String and numeric operators allow you to reference and manipulate data contained in panel items. Use mathematical operators to perform numeric calculations. For example, 100 + 50 - 20 * 5 yields 50. Two operators can be used to combine string variables and reference substrings.


Expand/Collapse item  Panel

A panel represents a window used by a module task item to display and enter data; it contains an arrangement of items such as buttons, check boxes, and text. A task item can consist of more than one panel. The following types of panels are used.

  • Main Panels

  • Dialogs

  • Panels


Expand/Collapse item  Panel Header

The panel header allows you to define the properties of a panel, including the panel title, color, position, and size.


Expand/Collapse item  Program Link

Use program links to run external programs or tasks from a customized panel (for example, run Item Inquiry from within Sales Order Entry by clicking a Link Control button). For more information, see Add a Link Control. You can also specify a script file that contains DOS/Windows commands using references to control data values on the panel.


Expand/Collapse item  Properties

Each item on a panel, including the panel itself, has properties that can be changed using the Customizer module. Some properties, such as position and size, can be changed directly in the panel by using the mouse or the cursor controls. Other properties, such as title, fonts, can be changed by double-clicking the item on the panel or by selecting the item from the Panel Map accessed from the Customizer Toolbar.

The properties for the panel itself are accessed in the Panel Header Definition window accessed from the Toolbar.


Expand/Collapse item  Radio Button

Radio buttons, usually included as a series of related buttons, allow the user to select a single option from a group of choices. Radio button control names start with the RB_ prefix.


Expand/Collapse item  Read/Write

You can enter, change, or delete data if a user-defined field (UDF) has read/write attributes (the field is enabled).


Expand/Collapse item  Tab Sequence

The tab sequence is the order in which controls in a panel take focus. When you press TAB or ENTER, the focus leaves the current control and the next control in the tab sequence takes the focus. The default tab sequence for each panel can be changed using the Tab Definitions window accessed from the Customizer Toolbar.


Expand/Collapse item  Task Item

A task item is a program that is accessible from the menu system. Each task item can consist of several different panels and/or dialogs that can be displayed. The name of the task item is the menu option description.


Expand/Collapse item  Text Item

Use text items to add titles and messages.


Expand/Collapse item  User-Defined Field (UDF)

You can add user-defined fields (UDFs) to customized panels and eBusiness Manager Web templates. UDFs can also be added to printed forms or reports using Crystal Designer.



Expand/Collapse item  User-Defined Scripts (UDS)

You can add user-defined scripts (UDSs) to specific table and column events that can be invoked automatically. User defined scripts are added in User-Defined Field and Table Maintenance.


Expand/Collapse item  User-Defined Table (UDT)

In modules other than Job Cost, Material Requirements Planning, Payroll, TimeCard, and Work Order, you can create user-defined tables (UDTs) to store and validate field information. You can define the table name, description, and key field definition, as well as maintain data in the table.


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