CRM Activity Log


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CRM Server Options

Purge CRM Activity Log



Select Customer Relationship Management Main menu > CRM Activity Log.


Use CRM Activity Log to print a record of significant operating events from the Sage CRM integration with Sage 100. The log prints the activity date, time, activity type, Sage 100 user logon, Sage CRM user logon, Sage 100 company code, Sage CRM instance ID, and a description of the activity.

The log can be sorted by activity date, activity type, Sage 100 user logon, Sage CRM user name, Sage 100 company code, or Sage CRM Instance ID. You can filter the information that prints on the report by entering a range of activity dates, Sage 100 user logons, Sage CRM user names, Sage 100 company codes and Sage CRM Instance IDs.

The types of activity recorded in the CRM Activity Log depend on the selections in CRM Server Options, and can include Sage CRM record creation, Accounts Receivable record creation, Sage CRM note creation, and synchronization events. The CRM Activity Log also automatically records errors and warnings that occur when data is transferred between the Sage CRM system and Sage 100. You can print any or all types of recorded activity in the log.

Data is available for printing until you purge it in Purge CRM Activity Log.



Report Setting

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Activity Types to Print



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Three Hole Punch

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