Customer Template Maintenance


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CRM Company Options

Customer Maintenance



Select Customer Relationship Management Main menu > Customer Template Maintenance.


Use Customer Template Maintenance to define sets of default values to use when new Accounts Receivable customers are created from Sage CRM companies. Accounts Receivable customers can be created individually from Sage CRM, or you can create them in batches using the Customer Relationship Management Wizard.

In CRM Company Options, you can allow Sage CRM users to use only the specified default template when creating new Accounts Receivable customers, or allow them to select any template defined in this task. The Default template is a predefined set of values that can be changed but not deleted. You can maintain multiple customer templates with default values to use for new Accounts Receivable customers created from Sage CRM.

After a new customer is created, the default values can be changed for the customer in Accounts Receivable Customer Maintenance.

When new customers are created, information such as the customer name, address, and primary contact are taken from the Sage CRM company from which the customer is created.



Customer Template

Credit Hold


Open Item Customer

Terms Code

Finance Charge Rate

Ship Code


Price Level

Customer Type

Discount Rate

Batch Fax

Payment Type

Statement Cycle

Credit Limit

Print Dunning Message


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