Salesperson User Mapping


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How Do I...



Set Up Salespeople for Sage CRM










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Select Customer Relationship Management Main menu > Salesperson User Mapping.

This task is available only if a record for the current company has been set up in CRM Company Options.


Use Salesperson User Mapping to assign salespeople to a Sage 100 and Sage CRM user logon combination.

Sage CRM links to Sage 100 using a salesperson, who is then mapped to a Sage 100 user. Salespersons from each division can be linked to one user logon combination. A one-to-one mapping is used between the Sage 100 user logon and the Sage CRM user logon.



Sage 100 User Logon

Salesperson ID

Sage CRM User Logon

Salesperson Name




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