Budget Revision Entry - Fields


Budget Revision Entry

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Budget Being Revised

This field displays the fiscal year and the budget being revised that was selected in the Select Accounts to Revise window. This field can only be viewed.


Account No.

Enter the general ledger account number for entering budget revisions. Click the Lookup button to list all account numbers. Press CTRL+F3, or right-click and select Account Entry to use the Account Entry window to select an account. For more information, see Account Entry. You can only enter or select a general ledger account number for new budget revision entries; you cannot change the account number of existing budget revision entries.



This field displays the description of the selected account number and can only be viewed. Account descriptions are maintained in Account Maintenance.


Period Budget Amount

Enter the revised budget amount for each period. Enter a debit amount as a positive number, and enter a credit amount as a negative number.

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Revise Based Upon

This field displays the fiscal year and the budget selected in the Revised Based On field, in the Select Accounts to Revise window. This field can only be viewed.



This field displays the starting and ending periods selected in the Select Accounts to Revise window and can only be viewed.


Revision Method

This field displays the revision method selected in the Select Accounts to Revise window and can only be viewed.


Revision Percent/Amount

This field displays the revision percent/amount entered in the Select Accounts to Revise window and can only be viewed. This field is available only if an option other than Copy Amount displays in the Revision Method field.


Rounding Factor

This field displays the rounding factor selected in the Select Accounts to Revise window and can only be viewed.


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