Account Entry - Fields


Account Entry

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Account No.

Enter an account number or click the Lookup button to select an account number. If an account number has been entered in the Account No. field in a data entry window, the account number initially displays. When values are re-entered at each segment's Value field, the account number re-displays based on the values entered.


Description (Account No.)

This field displays the account number's description and can only be viewed. The account description is built using the main account's short description defined in Main Account Maintenance and the subaccounts' short descriptions defined in Sub Account Maintenance. If a short description is blank, the regular description is used. When an account number is re-entered in the Account No. field or values are re-entered at each segment's Value field, the account description re-displays accordingly.



This field displays the descriptions for each account segment defined in Account Structure Maintenance and can only be viewed.



Enter a value for the selected segment or click the Lookup button to select a value. The values for each segment of the account number entered in the Account No. field initially display in these fields. When an account number is re-entered in the Account No. field, the value for each account segment re-displays accordingly.


Description (Segment Value)

This field displays the description for each segment value entered and can only be viewed. If the segment value exists and is valid, the description for the value appears.

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  • Desk Sales – This is a sample valid description. If you enter an existing, valid main account, the main account's description, such as Desk Sales, defined in Main Account Maintenance appears.

If the segment value is invalid, the following descriptions can appear:

  • **Not Active** – This description appears when the value for the segment has a status of inactive or deleted. You cannot use a segment value that is inactive or deleted.

  • **Not Financial** – This description appears when the main account segment is a non-financial type and you accessed the Account Entry window when creating a journal entry for a financial source journal in the General Ledger module. You cannot use a non-financial main account when creating an entry for a financial source journal. This description only applies to the value for the main account segment.

  • **Not Non-financial** – This description appears when the main account segment is a financial type and you accessed the Account Entry window when creating a journal entry for a non-financial source journal in the General Ledger module. You cannot use a financial main account when creating an entry for a non-financial source journal. This description only applies to the value for the main account segment.

  • **Not on File** – This description appears when the value entered for the segment does not exist. If you access the Account Entry window in the General Ledger module and the Add Main Accounts in General Ledger and Add Sub Accounts in General Ledger check boxes are selected, you can create a main or subaccount on the fly. For more information, see Create a Main Account or Create a Subaccount.

  • **Invalid Code** – This description appears when one or more characters entered in the Value field are invalid for the segment. For example, if the main account's segment type is defined as numeric in Account Structure Maintenance and you enter A123 in the Value field for the main segment, this description will appear because the character "A" cannot be entered for a numeric type segment.

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