Alias Item Maintenance


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Item Maintenance

Alias Item Numbers

Alias Item Listing




Select Inventory Management Main menu > Item Maintenance. In the Item Maintenance window, in the Item Code field, enter the item code. At the More button, click the drop-down button and then select Alias.


Use Alias Item Maintenance to maintain vendor, customer, and general part numbers (for example, vendor or customer parts catalog numbers) that are different from the inventory item codes and are to be used for lookup purposes.

Alias item numbers can be accessed from the Sales Order and Purchase Order module data entry tasks. If you select an alias item number, the corresponding part number from your inventory list is entered automatically in the Item Code field. Forms and reports can be modified to print alias item numbers.

Note The alias item number for the primary vendor associated with the item cannot be deleted using this task.



Alias Item No.

Vendor No. / Customer No.

Item Code





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