Price Code Maintenance - Fields


Price Code Maintenance

Price Code

Enter a price code representing the price grouping to add or maintain, or click the Lookup button to list all price codes. Price codes can be assigned to any number of items in inventory.



Type a description for the price code.


Price Level

If this is a new entry, Standard appears to the right of this field. If the standard price level information for a price code has already been established, you can create additional price levels. Click the Lookup button to list all price levels established for the price code. If you delete the standard price level, all price levels for the price code are deleted. You can delete specific non-standard price levels for a price code without deleting the entire price code.


Pricing Method

Select the method for calculating the price of the item.


To Quantity

Type the maximum quantity for each quantity break, or click the Calculator button to enter a quantity using the calculator.


Markup Amount / Markup % / Discount Amount / Discount %

If Cost Markup Amount or Cost Markup % is selected in the Pricing Method field, type the markup amount or percent. If Price Discount Amount or Price Discount % is selected in the Pricing Method field, type the price discount amount or percent. Click the Calculator button to enter an amount or percentage using the calculator.

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