Delete Item Files - Fields


Delete Item Files

All Files Associated with Item

Select this check box to delete the selected range of items from all associated files. Clear this check box if you do not want to delete the items from all associated files in the system.

Alternate Items

Select this check box to delete all alternate items for the item or selected range of items. Clear this check box if you do not want to delete all alternate items for the items. This check box is available only if the All Files Associated with Item check box is cleared.


Item Pricing

Select this check box to delete all item pricing for the item or selected range of items. Clear this check box if you do not want to delete all item pricing for the items. This check box is available only if the All Files Associated with Item check box is cleared.


Internet Items and Categories

Select this check box to delete all Internet items and categories for the item or selected range of items. Clear this check box if you do not want to delete all Internet items and categories for the items. This check box is available only if the All Files Associated with Item check box is cleared, and the eBusiness Manager module is installed and set up.

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