Category Tree Maintenance - Fields


Category Tree Maintenance

Tree View

Select the type of category tree to maintain.

The contents of the category tree appear in the left list box. Categories defined with the applicable category type appear in the right list box.


Tree List Box

This list box displays the contents of the category tree. Top categories are displayed by default, and cannot be used as subcategories. Double-click a category to expand or collapse the view to see all categories and subcategories. Click Expand All to expand all categories and subcategories. Click Collapse All to collapse all categories and subcategories.

Click the Add Category to Tree, Add All Categories to Tree, Remove Category from Tree, and Remove All Categories from Top Category buttons to add and remove categories to and from the tree list box. Categories can be defined on multiple branches of the tree.

Note Top categories cannot be removed from the category tree


Categories List Box

This list box displays categories and category names defined in Category Maintenance. If the .order option is selected in the Tree View field, this list box displays all categories for which .order or Both is selected in the Category Type field in the Category Maintenance window. If the .store option is selected in the Tree View field, this list box displays all categories for which .store or Both is selected in the Category Type field. Click the heading columns to re-sort the display.

Click the Add Category to Tree, Add All Categories to Tree, Remove Category from Tree, and Remove All Categories from Top Category buttons to add and remove categories to and from the tree list box. Categories can be added to multiple branches of the tree. Once a category is added to a branch, it cannot be added again to any other location of that same branch.

Click Category to maintain categories in Category Maintenance. For more information, see Category Maintenance.

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