Web Template Options


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Select eBusiness Manager Setup menu > Web Template Options.


Use Web Template Options to customize links, buttons, menu styles, and other options on your Web pages. You can also set up preferences for your Products and Services Web page, and set up attachments to display with items on the Item Detail Web page.

Images are stored in the MAS90\Images\xxx folder (where xxx is the company code). If you associate an image with an attachment, only file names with a .bmp, .jpg, or .gif extension are accepted.

Warning  When .bmp image files are used on a Web page, performance is extremely slow. Use .jpg or .gif files for faster performance.



1. Links/Buttons


Previous Page

Add to Shopping Cart (Item Detail)

Next Page

View Options


View Detail


View Totals

Miscellaneous Charge

Add All Items to Shopping Cart


2. Global Display


.order Menu Style (Business to Business)

Use Alternate Row Styles

.store Menu Style (Business to Consumer)

Main Menu

Drop-Down Box Title

Top Category

Help Link Display

Sub Category


3. Products


Calculate Quantity Available

Base Price

Display Actual Quantity Available

Shopping Cart

Item Currently Available

Reduce Main Image

Item on Back Order

Use Applied Size to Thumbnail Images

Item Number

Applied Thumbnail Width

Item Description

Applied Thumbnail Height

Quantity Available


4. Attachments


Attachment Description

Attachment Icon


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