Job Estimate Printing - Fields


Job Estimate Printing

Report Type

Select a report type to print from the following.


Job Type

Enter a job type, or select the Job Type All check box to print the report for all job types. Click the Lookup button to list all job types.


Print Estimate Header Detail

Select this check box to print estimate header detail such as job address and estimator. Clear this check box to exclude the printing of the estimate header detail.

This field is available only if a selection other than Takeoff Sheet Summary is made in the Report Type field.


Print Estimate Recap

Select this check box to print the estimate recap at the end of the report. Clear this check box to exclude the printing of the estimate recap. A recap can be printed of each estimate summarized by cost type. Any applicable sales tax, burden, and overhead amounts are calculated to obtain the total estimated price and cost. The estimated profit amount and percentage is included. Total units, extended cost, cost per job units, and extended price are listed for each cost type. "Total units" is meaningful only if a consistent unit of measure is used for all items in the cost type.

This field is available only if a selection other than Takeoff Sheet Summary is made in the Report Type field.


Print Estimate Memos

Select this check box to print memos entered for the specified range of estimates. Clear this check box to exclude the printing of estimate memos.

This field is available only if a selection other than Takeoff Sheet Summary is made in the Report Type field.


Estimate Status to Print

Select the All check box to print all status codes or select the check boxes for up to three status codes.


Estimate Number

Enter a range of estimate numbers, or select the All check box to include all estimate numbers. Click the Lookup button to list all estimate numbers.

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