Job Estimate by Cost Code Report - Fields


Job Estimate by Cost Code Report

Job Type

Enter a job type, or select the Job Type All check box to print the report for all job types. Click the Lookup button to list all job types.


Print Item Detail

Select this check box to print item detail for each cost code. Clear this check box to exclude the printing of item detail for each cost code.


Print Estimate Header Detail

Select this check box to print estimate header detail (job address, estimator, etc.). Clear this check box to exclude the printing of estimate header detail.


Estimate Status to Print

Select the All check box to print all status codes or select the check boxes for up to three of the following status codes: New, Closed, or Open.


Estimate Number

Enter a range of estimate numbers, or select the All check box to include all estimate numbers. Click the Lookup button to list all estimate numbers.


Cost Code

Enter a range of cost codes, or select the All check box to include all cost codes. Click the Lookup button to list all cost codes.

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