Job Transaction Detail Report/Job Transaction Detail History Report


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Select Job Cost Reports menu > Job Transaction Detail Report or Job Trans. Detail History Report.  


The Job Transaction Detail Report provides an audit report detailing all cost transactions from all sources posted to jobs in the job master file. The Job Transaction Detail History Report prints this information for jobs archived in the history files. If the transaction detail is retained for the life of the job, each report provides a complete, detailed history of all cost activity for the job, including the invoice number, check number, and employee number for each transaction. This report also provides the balance forward amount, which represents the prior period costs.

The reports can also be used to track a specific type of cost by specifying a range of cost codes, cost types, or source journals. For each cost code and/or cost type, the description, unit of measure, and standard unit cost are printed. Either the revised estimated cost or the bill amount can be printed. Detail information for each cost transaction includes the transaction date, source journal, reference number or posting remarks, whether the item is billed, unit cost, total units, and cost amount. Subtotals are provided by cost type, cost code, and job. Labor transaction totals for units, dollars, and bill amount can be printed for each job and the entire report. The job-to-date cost is provided as a percentage of the job estimate for all subtotals.

If the Retain Transaction Detail check box is cleared on the Job Masterfile Maintenance Main tab for a job, all detailed transactions are purged and summarized during monthly period-end processing. For this reason, the Job Transaction Detail Report should be printed on a monthly basis to provide a permanent audit trail of cost transactions for all jobs that are set to purge the transactions. All transactions that are purged are included on the Job Transaction Detail History report, summarized by period-end date.

You can print the report for a specific group of cost types. Up to 12 cost types can be defined in Job Cost Options.



Sort Options

Print Jobs with No Activity

Cost Codes to Print

Job Number

Source Journal to Print


Data to Print


Cost Type to Print

Job Type

Print Total Labor Units

Sort Field

Job Status to Print

Transaction Date

Print Transaction Detail

Customer Number

Page Break by Job



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