Job Schedule Report - Fields


Job Schedule Report

Sort Options

Select an option for sorting the report.


Starting Date

Type a starting date for the schedule.


Number of Work Days per Week

Select the number of work days per week by which you want to have job schedules calculated and charted.


Job Schedule Detail Option

Select a job schedule detail option which corresponds to the manner in which you want schedules detailed on the report.


Job Number

Enter a range of job numbers, or select the All check box to include all job numbers. Click the Lookup button to list all job numbers.



Enter a range of estimators, or select the All check box to include all estimators. This field is available only if Estimator is selected in the Sort Options field.



Enter a range of managers, or select the All check box to include all managers. This field is available only if Manager is selected in the Sort Options field.


Job Type

Enter a range of job types, or select the All check box to include all job types. Click the Lookup button to list all job types. The ending job type range for this field is available only if Job Type is selected in the Sort Options field.


Sort Field

Enter a range of sort fields, or select the All check box to include all sort fields. This field is available only if Sort Field is selected in the Sort Options field.


Customer Number

Enter a range of customer numbers, or select the All check box to include all customer numbers. Click the Lookup button to list all customer numbers. This field is available only if Customer Number is selected in the Sort Options field.

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