Subcontractor Analysis Report - Fields


Subcontractor Analysis Report

Sort Options

Select an option for sorting the report.


Job Type to Print

Enter a range of job types to print, or select the All check box to include all job types. Click the Lookup button to list all job types.


Print Change Orders

Select this check box to have change order detail printed on the report. Clear this check box to exclude the change order detail from the report.


Print Trans Detail

Select this check box to print transaction detail including all costing and payment activities. Clear this check box to exclude the printing of transaction detail from the report.


Job Status to Print

Select the All check box to print all job statuses, or select up to five of the job status code check boxes to print the report for a specific group of job statuses. For example, to print only open status jobs, select the Open check box. To print both bid and open status jobs, select the Bid and Open check boxes.


Job Number

Enter a range of job numbers, or select the All check box to include all job numbers. Click the Lookup button to list all job numbers.


Vendor Number

Enter a range of job numbers, or select the All check box to include all job numbers. Click the Lookup button to list all job numbers. This field is available only if Vendor Number is selected in the Sort Options field.

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