Job Type Maintenance


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Post to G/L for Work in Process

Job Cost Billing Methods

Job Cost Accounting Methods

Job Cost FAQs



Select Job Cost Setup menu > Job Type Maintenance.


Use Job Type Maintenance to classify jobs for system billing and report sorting. Job types (residential, commercial, government, union, etc.) are also used to establish the General Ledger Revenue account and, if applicable, the Work-in-Process and Cost of Sale accounts for posting revenue and expenses for the job. You can also assign default Work-in-Process and Cost of Sale accounts in Post to G/L for Work in Process.

The labor burden rate and overhead rate, the job accounting method and billing method, the billing rate, the "units per job" (number of buildings, apartments, etc.), and the Job Revenue account are determined by the job type assigned to each job in the Job master file.



Job Type


Accounting Method

Job Units Description

Bill Method

Job Revenue Account

Retain Transaction Detail

Deferred Revenue


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