Batch Entry


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Related Topics



Merge Batch

Transfer Document



Access any data entry task that has Batch Processing enabled. The Batch Entry window appears.

Note Batch Entry is available only if the Batch Processing check box is selected in the module's Options window.


Use Batch Entry to create, verify, and merge batches. You can also use Batch Entry to renumber or modify your next batch number. Some of these Batch Entry features, such as verifying and merging batches are currently only available in some modules.

Batch Entry allows multiple entry sessions to take place simultaneously in the same data entry task. Each session has a unique batch number assigned automatically or manually by the user. Each batch can be printed and updated independently, without affecting other batches. Batches can be specified as private, accessible only by the user who created them.

You can transfer documents from one batch to another using the Transfer Document button in the data entry windows.



Batch Number

Private Batch



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