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Grids in the software simplify data entry and field selection.

Note Grids are available only in some modules.

The following are different types of grids.

Expand/Collapse item  Data Entry Grid

This type of grid is used for entering each transaction as a row of information. The following are characteristics of data entry grids:

  • Data entry grids consist of a primary and secondary grid. The secondary grid appears below or to the right of the primary grid and contains information for the row selected in the primary grid. To switch between grids, right-click and then click Switch Grid. Because you can only tab through fields within each grid, use your mouse or press F5 to enter information at a field in the other grid.

  • Windows with data entry grids can be expanded by clicking the Change View button. Expanded windows display the secondary grid to the right of the primary grid to show more rows.

Note Expanded windows require a minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels.

  • Columns can be resized, frozen, or moved. Some columns can be moved between the primary and secondary grids. Columns in the primary grid can also be hidden; although, required columns in the primary grid cannot be moved or hidden. For more information about hiding and showing columns, see Hide or Show a Column in a Grid. For more information about freezing a column, see Freeze Columns in a Grid.

  • Rows can be moved up or down by clicking and dragging the row or by clicking the Move Row Up or Move Row Down buttons.

  • Rows that have been added or changed are indicated with a red row number.

  • If you are using a them other than the Classic theme, you can specify a row height and alternating line color in Theme Maintenance.

Expand or collapse item  Example - Data Entry Grid sample


This is an example of a grid using the Classic theme.

This is an example of a grid using the Standard theme.


Expand/Collapse item  Selection Grid

This type of grid is used primarily for selecting data and is not intended for data entry. For example, you can use selection grids to select information to print on reports. Selection grids do not have row numbers and new rows cannot be added.


Expand or collapse item  Example - Selection Grid sample


Expand/Collapse item  Embedded Grid

This type of grid is used in any maintenance task with minimal fields and records. The following are characteristics of embedded grids:

  • Any changes or additions in the grid are not saved until the Accept button is clicked.

  • Rows that have been added or changed are indicated with a red row number.

  • New rows can only be inserted at the end of the grid.

Expand or collapse item  Example - Embedded Grid sample


The following is a list of features in all grids.

Expand/Collapse item  Grid Features

  • Right-click menus are available in all grids allowing access to system information, form settings, related tasks, and customization options, such as moving rows or freezing, showing, or hiding columns. For more information about right-click menus, see Right-Click Menus.

  • In some fields in a grid, a shaded triangle in the upper or lower left corner of the field indicates that additional right-click tasks are available. This feature allows you to select a window that relates to the field. When the task is selected, the window appears, displaying information for the current field.

  • Pressing TAB or ENTER in the last field of a row takes you to the next row. When in the secondary grid, focus goes from row to row. If you return to the primary grid, focus skips all disabled columns.

  • Buttons located to the right or top of the grid allow you to move, delete, reset, and insert rows. The Reset Row button allows you to undo changes in a row or all rows in the grid. Resetting a row resets all changes to fields in a selected row back to their original values. You can also export the grid to Excel.

  • All customizations to grids can be saved for future data entry sessions, allowing for quicker data entry. The window that contains grids can also be resized by clicking and dragging the grabber in the lower right-hand corner of the window. To reset a grid to its original default view and set the window to its default size, right-click in the window and click Form Settings > Reset Form. For more information, see Reset Form.

Note Customizations are saved to the user logon.

  • Many fields in grids provide Lookup, Calendar, and Calculator buttons, which allow you to select a value.


For more information, see Grid FAQs.

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