Deferred Printing


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How Do I...



Defer a Report



Print Deferred Reports


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Deferred Print Options



Select File > Deferred Printing.


Deferred printing allows reports to be saved on the hard drive for printing at a later time. This task affords several advantages, including the batch printing of multiple reports and the ability to retain deferred reports for future use. In a multi-user environment, this feature allows the report printing process to be postponed if no printers are currently available.

To use deferred printing in the General Ledger, Library Master, and Customizer modules, select Deferred in the printer drop-down list located in the lower-left corner of the report task window.

To use deferred printing in all other modules, select Deferred as the Output Type in Printer Setup when you print reports. The reports in the deferred printing queue then appear in the deferred printing list, where you can click the following buttons.



Changes the Select setting for the current report (changes the Select option from Yes to No, and No to Yes).


Displays the standard report preview for the selected report.


Displays the settings for the selected report.


Deletes the selected report. Audit reports cannot be deleted before printing.


Begins printing all selected reports to the appropriate printer(s).


Adds any items to the list that have been print deferred since the window was opened.

Select/Clear All

Selects or clears all print jobs.


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