Memo Manager Maintenance


Window Details


How Do I...





Purge Memos by Memo Type




Related Topics


Override Auto Display Settings




Access this window using one of the following methods:


Use Memo Manager Maintenance to view, maintain, and manage memos system-wide. In Memo Manager Maintenance, you can define where memos can be displayed or maintained within the software. You can also specify a default setting for the automatic display of memos when accessing certain tasks. Multiple types of memos can be defined per module.

Note The auto-display settings defined in Memo Manager Maintenance for the Default role can be overridden for individual memos in Override Auto Display Settings. After a memo is created, any changes made to the auto-display settings for a memo type do not affect the existing memo.

Note Memos for modules not listed in the Memo Manager Maintenance window in the Module field are maintained in their applicable modules' Memo Maintenance window.




Memo Type

Memo Options

Auto Display


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