Report Manager


Window Details





How Do I...



Customize Graphical Forms

Add Custom Reports to Report Manager

Create SAP Crystal Reports using Report Manager

Update the Crystal Report/Form Database


Related Topics



Copy Report

Menu Selection





Select Library Master Setup menu > Report Manager. In Report Manager, select a form or report with an asterisk (*) next to the name and click the Maintain button.

Note This task is available only for some modules.


Use Report Manager to create, edit, and print reports using SAP Crystal Reports Designer. Customized forms, such as checks and invoices, can be created for a specific user ID and company code using Report Manager.

If a customized form exists in Report Manager, when using the Forms Customization feature in any module, the customized form is used only for the specific user/company as defined in Report Manager. If a form has not been accessed in Report Manager, when using Forms Customization to customize this form, the customized form is used for all users and the current company. If you require more control of your form customizations, use Report Manager to create forms for a specific user and/or companies. Multiple versions of the same report or form can be created and assigned to specific users and companies.

Note Standard reports (reports not on the Custom Reports menu) cannot be customized using this task.

You must log on to the server to preview the report while in SAP Crystal Reports Designer; however, it is not necessary to log on to the server if previewing from the custom report print preview setup window.




Report Title

Report Name


Installed Forms



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