Report Manager


Window Details





How Do I...



Search for a Form or Report

Export Form Codes and Report Settings

Add Custom Reports to Report Manager

Customize Forms and Reports in Report Manager

Add Form Codes and Report Settings

Update the Crystal Report/Form Database

Copy Form Codes and Report Settings




Related Topics



Form/Report Task Search


Add New Format

Batch Fax Options



Select Library Master Setup menu > Report Manager.


Use Report Manager to manage all forms and reports. You can search for forms or reports and select the form or report to customize using Crystal Designer. You can also add and delete custom reports. The Report Manager window displays all modules that have forms and/or reports in a tree view. Expand the module to select the available forms, reports, and custom reports. All forms, reports, and custom reports are listed in alphabetical order.

Note Form codes and report settings must be created in the form or report window. For more information, see Create a New Form on the Fly.



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