Auto Generate from Sales Orders - Fields


Auto Generate from Sales Orders

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Sales Order Types to Generate From

Select one or more sales order types to include when generating the purchase orders, or select the All Types check box to include all sales order types.


Sales Order Statuses to Generate From

Select one or more sales order statuses to include when generating the purchase orders, or select the All Statuses check box to include all sales order statuses.


Procurement Types to Generate

Select one or more procurement types to include when generating the purchase orders, or select the All Types check box to include all procurement types. These fields are available only if the Purchase Order and Sales Order modules are integrated with Inventory Management.


Product Types to Generate

Select one or more product types to include when generating the purchase orders, or select the All Types check box to include all product types. These fields are available only if the Purchase Order and Sales Order modules are integrated with Inventory Management.


Item Types to Generate

Select one or more item types to include when generating the purchase orders, or select the All Types check box to include all item types. The Inventory check box is available only if the Purchase Order and Sales Order modules are integrated with Inventory Management.


Include Drop Ship Lines

Select an option to determine whether to include drop-ship lines when generating the purchase orders.


Base Order Quantity On

Select the quantity type to base the order on. For drop-ship orders and noninventory items, the order quantity amount is based on the quantity entered on the sales order.

Expand/Collapse item Example for the Only Quantity Required option


Quantity on Hand = 0 (Sales Order #1 = 55, Sales Order #2 = 66, and Purchase Order #1 = 25)

Generate Only Sales Order #1

Generate Only Sales Order #2

Generate Both Sales Order #1 and 2

55 - 25 = 30

66 - 25 = 41

66 + 55 - 25 = 96


Update Unit Cost With

Select one of the following options to indicate which unit cost to use.

Note When generating purchase orders for special items, the sales order unit cost will be used unless the sales order unit price is selected. When generating purchase orders for miscellaneous items, the standard unit cost will be used when Average Unit Cost, Costing Hierarchy, or Last Unit Cost is selected at this field.


Summarize Multiple Items by Line

Select this check box to summarize items that appear multiple times for a vendor and where the Drop Ship check box is cleared for the sales order line item; one detail line is generated to order the total quantity for an item included on multiple sales orders in the entered range. Clear this check box to generate a separate detail line for each item when the same item is ordered on multiple sales orders.

This field is available only under the following conditions:


Include Expired Sales Orders

Select this check box to include expired sales orders. Clear this check box to exclude expired sales orders. This field is available only if an option other than Standard or Back Orders is selected in the Sales Order Types to Generate From field.

Note If the expiration date on the sales order is prior to the system date, the sales order is expired.


Summarize Drop Ship Lines by Vendor

Select this check box to include items that appear multiple times on the same sales order with the same vendor in one drop-ship purchase order. Clear this check box to create a purchase order for each item. This field is available only if an option other than No is selected in the Include Drop Ship Lines field.

Expand/Collapse item Example (when this check box is selected)


Sales Order #1 for Customer 01-ABF

Purchase Order #1 for 01-AIRWAY

Purchase Order #2 for 01-CONT

Item A (sold by 01-AIRWAY)

Item A

Item C

Item B (sold by 01-AIRWAY)

Item B

Item C (sold by 01-CONT)    


Use Back Ordered Quantity

Select this check box to use the sales order back-ordered quantity as the ordered quantity on the purchase order. Clear this check box if you do not want to use the back-ordered quantity. This field is available only if Sales Order Quantity is selected in the Base Order Quantity On field and it applies only when the back-ordered quantity is greater than zero.


Update Unit Cost with SO Unit Cost for Drop Ship Lines

Select this check box to update the purchase order unit cost with the sales order unit cost for drop-ship orders only. Selecting this check box will override the selection made in the Update Unit Cost field for drop-ship lines only. Clear this check box if you do not want to update the purchase order unit cost with the sales order unit cost for drop-ship orders. This field is available only if an option other than No is selected in the Include Drop Ship Lines field.

Note When the Summarize Drop Ship Lines by Vendor check box is selected, the unit cost on the item line must match in order to summarize it.


Add Sales Order Customer Detail as a Comment Line

Select this check box to add the sales order customer detail information as a comment line on the purchase order. Clear this check box if you do not want to add the sales order customer detail information as a comment line. This field is available only if the Combine Sales Orders by Vendor check box is selected in Purchase Order Options and the Summarize Multiple Items by Line check box is selected.


Only Select Jobs with Status of Open

Select this check box to include only sales orders for job numbers that have a status of Open. If this check box is selected and the job status is not Open, the sales order is skipped. Clear this check box to include all sales orders regardless of the job status. This field is available only if the Job Cost module is integrated with Sales Order and Purchase Order.


Include SO Comment Lines

Select whether to include comments originating from the sales order on the purchase order.

  • Select Following Item Only to include any comment lines following the item on the sales order.

  • Select Preceding Item Only to include any comment lines prior to the item on the sales order.

  • Select None to exclude all sales order comment lines.

Note When summarizing lines and/or combining sales orders by vendor, each comment line for the item is included. For example, if there are three items that can be summarized and each has a corresponding comment line, three comment lines will appear on the purchase order following the item.


Include Sales Order Item Line Comments

Select this check box to include the sales order item line comments. Clear this check box to exclude the sales order item line comments. This field is not available if the Summarizing Multiple Items by Line or Summarizing Drop Ship Lines by Vendor check box is selected.


Format PO Header Comment With

Select the format of the purchase order header comment to use when generating the purchase order.



Select an operand to limit your selection to a particular value or range of values. When selecting a value using the Lookup button or entering a value directly into the Value field (and moving out of the field), the operand automatically changes to Equal to. Likewise, when selecting a value using the Lookup button for a range or entering values directly into both Value fields, the operand automatically changes to Range.

The following operands are available:


Operand Function

All Selects all information for the Select Field.
Begins with Selects only the information for the Select Field that begins with the value entered in the Value field.
Ends with Selects only the information for the Select Field that ends with the value entered in the Value field.
Contains Selects only the information for the Select Field that contains the value entered in the Value field.
Less than Selects only the information for the Select Field that is less than, but not equal to, the value entered in the Value field.
Greater than Selects only the information for the Select Field that is greater than or equal to the value entered in the Value field.


When Range is selected, two Value fields are used. Information is selected that is greater than or equal to the first value entered and less than or equal to the second value entered in the Value fields.

Note Entries in the "From" Value field may change to the entry made in the "To" Value field, if the "From" Value contains a lowercase letter and the "To" Value contains an uppercase letter. This occurs because lowercase letters are greater than uppercase letters. For example, if 01a is entered in the "From" Value field and 01C is entered in the "To" Value field, the "From" Value field changes to 01C.

Equal to

Selects only the information for the Select Field that is equal to the value entered in the Value field.

Not Equal to

Selects only the information for the Select Field that is not equal to the value entered in the Value field.


Additional operands are available for date Select fields. The system date is used to calculate the date ranges. When one of the date operands is selected, the Value fields automatically default to the appropriate dates.

You can use commas (,) to separate multiple values; however, if your selection values already contain commas, you must use alternate separators to separate them.

Note When alternate separators are used, the value list must end with the alternate separator character.

The alternate separators include the following:

~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) = [ ] \ ; " / _ + { } | : < > ?

Note If you enter a value that contains a comma (for example, if a vendor number is 01-SAGE,WEST), then you must enclose the value with an alternate separator (for example, %01-SAGE,WEST%). Because the comma is a separator, if the value is not enclosed in alternate separators, the system can search for two incorrect values (for example, "01-SAGE" and "WEST", instead of "01-SAGE,WEST").

If your company uses commas in item codes, use an alternate separator to select one or multiple item codes.



Enter a value based on the operand entered, or click the Lookup or Calendar button to select a value from the list. Multiple values can be entered by using a comma or alternate separators to separate values.

For customer number, vendor number, and item code select fields, you can start typing a customer name, vendor name, or item description to locate a record. As you type, a list of records matching your entry appears. You can then select a record from the list.

You can enter single or multiple values as follows:



All Selects all information for the Select Field.

Begins with

Multiple values are separated by a comma or alternate separator. An OR condition is assumed.

Ends with

Multiple values are separated by a comma or alternate separator. An OR condition is assumed.


Multiple values are separated by a comma or alternate separator. An OR condition is assumed.

Less than Only single values are allowed.
Greater than Only single values are allowed.
Range Both Value fields are used to define a range. Only single values are allowed at each Value field.
Equal to Multiple values are separated by a comma or alternate separator. An OR condition is assumed.

Not Equal to

Multiple values are separated by a comma or alternate separator. An AND condition is assumed.

Note If you enter a value that contains a comma (for example, if a vendor number is 01-SAGE,WEST), then you must enclose the value with an alternate separator (for example, %01-SAGE,WEST%). Because the comma is a separator, if the value is not enclosed in alternate separators, the system can search for two incorrect values (for example, "01-SAGE" and "WEST", instead of "01-SAGE,WEST").


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