Additional Options - Fields


Additional Options

Next Automatic Purchase Order Number

Type the next automatic purchase order number. This field is available if the Use Sales Order Number as Purchase Order Number check box in Purchase Order Options is cleared and will default to the next automatic purchase order number from Purchase Order Options.


Purchase Order Header Required Date

Enter the date to include in the Required Date field on the purchase order Header tab, or click the Calendar button to select a date from the calendar. This field is available only if Prompt is selected in the Base PO Header Required Date field in Purchase Order Options and will default to the Purchase Order module date.

Note If the purchase order is generated from Sales Order Entry and no Purchase Order tasks have been accessed, the Sales Order module date is used.


Purchase Order Lines Required Date

Enter the date to include in the Required Date field on the purchase order Lines tab, or click the Calendar button to select a date from the calendar. This field is available only if Prompt is selected in the Base PO Lines Required Date field in Purchase Order Options and will default to the Purchase Order module date.

Note If the purchase order is generated from Sales Order Entry and no Purchase Order tasks have been accessed, the Sales Order module date is used.

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