Purge Purchases History by Item and Vendor


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Purge Purchase Order Data






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Purchase Order Options

Inventory Management Options



Select Purchase Order Utilities menu > Purge Purchases History by Item and Vendor.

This task is available only if the number of years entered in the Years to Retain Purchases History by Item and Vendor field in Purchase Order Options is greater than two. You must retain at least the last two years of history prior to the current year. Only history that is more than two years prior to the current year can be purged.

The options available in this window vary based on whether the Inventory Management module is set up, and whether Fiscal Periods or Calendar Months is selected in the Base Inventory Periods On field in Inventory Management Options.


Use Purge Purchases History by Item and Vendor to remove purchases history records based on the fiscal year or calendar year. Records dated on or before the year-end date selected are permanently removed from the system. The purchases history file stores purchases history by posting date and receipt date, and can retain up to 99 years of records.

The System Activity Log is updated with the date, time, company code, user logon, and a message that the utility was run.



Remove Purchases History Based On

Remove Purchases History Dated on or Before


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