Daily Sales Recap Reports


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Information entered during S/O Invoice Data Entry is used to produce a wide variety of sales recap reports to keep you up to date on daily sales activity. These reports are selected in Sales Order Options and can print using up to eight formats.

Expand/Collapse item  Daily Sales Recap by Item

This report recaps sales by product line and item code. Information for each item includes the unit price, the quantity shipped from warehouse, quantities shipped and back ordered, total sales dollars, gross profit amount and profit percentage. Optionally, this report can print with items detailed by warehouse or can be summarized to print only the total sales for all locations for each item.


Expand/Collapse item  Daily Sales Recap by Product Line

This report shows sales totaled by product line, with no individual item breakdown. Information for sales in each product line includes the quantity shipped from warehouse; the daily, month-to-date and year-to-date quantities shipped; sales dollars; and profit percentage. Totals are provided by product line, followed by a grand report total of sales for all product lines.


Expand/Collapse item  Daily Sales Recap by Warehouse

This recap format shows sales totaled by warehouse, with no product line or item detail. Daily, month-to-date, and year-to-date sales dollars and profit percentage are provided for each warehouse, with a report total of all sales at all warehouses.


Expand/Collapse item  Daily Sales Recap by Division

This report provides sales by division number, with no customer detail. Daily, month-to-date, and year-to-date sales dollars and profit percentage are shown for each division, with a report total of sales for all divisions.


Expand/Collapse item  Daily Sales Recap by Warehouse by Item

This report prints essentially the same information as the Daily Sales Recap by Item report, but is sorted by warehouse location. The quantities shipped and back ordered, total sales dollars, and gross profit amount and profit percentage are printed for each item, with totals by product line and warehouse.


Expand/Collapse item  Daily Sales Recap by Warehouse by Product Line

This report provides essentially the same information as the Daily Sales Recap by Product Line report, but is detailed by warehouse location. Daily, month-to-date, and year-to-date quantities shipped; sales dollars; and profit percentage are printed for each product line, with totals by warehouse.


Expand/Collapse item  Daily Sales Recap by Customer

This report recaps sales by customer number, with daily, month-to-date and year-to-date sales dollars and profit percentage. If your Accounts Receivable module is divisionalized, the report is detailed by division number and division totals are provided. The Report Total line shows total sales to all customers within all divisions.


Expand/Collapse item  Daily Deposit Recap Report

The Daily Deposit Recap Report provides a recap, by payment type, of all deposit payments applied against invoices for the current Sales Journal. Recap information includes the division number and description, payment type and description, invoice number and date, and sales order number. This report prints by division if the Post Customer Deposits By Division check box is selected in Sales Order Options.


The Daily Deposit Recap Report prints if the Print Daily Deposit Recap Report check box is selected in Sales Order Options; however, this report automatically prints if you have credit card information on invoices in the current batch, regardless if the check box is selected.


During the invoice update process, a sales order credit card pre-authorization is not transferred to back ordered items. Back ordered sales orders have to be pre-authorized on an individual basis in Sales Order Entry or Sales Order Batch Authorization.


For more information, see:

Daily Sales Reports/Updates

Update Sales Order Data

Report Sample

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