Retaining Sales Order/Quote History


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For information about how sales order/quote history is retained and viewed, see the following topics:

Expand/Collapse item  Retaining sales order/quote history

Sales order history can be retained if the Retain Sales Order/Quote History check box is selected in the Sales Order Options window. In addition, you can retain deleted orders/quotes and deleted lines in orders/quotes that have been written to history as well. Cancellation codes that have been entered in Cancel and Reason Code Maintenance are also maintained in sales order/quote history; this code is entered when sales orders/quotes or lines are deleted.

In Sales Order Entry, a new sales order/quote is written to history when you click Accept. Any lines deleted before this are not saved in history. Additionally, if a new sales order is cancelled prior to it being accepted, it will not be saved in history.

The following types of changes to sales orders/quotes are retained in history.

  • Changes/additions to lines

  • Changes to the unit of measure

  • Changes to the price

Note History is not retained for master orders or repeating orders.

Line user-defined fields (UDFs) are written to sales order/quote history. If you are maintaining deleted lines, the line will remain in sales order/quote history, but the UDF will be deleted. If you are maintaining deleted orders in history, the line UDF will be maintained when you delete the order, until the order is purged using the Purge Order/Quote History task.


Expand/Collapse item  Viewing sales order/quote history

Sales orders/quote history can be viewed in Sales Order History Inquiry. In addition, a list of invoices generated from the sales order are available, including the ability to drill down to history (when retaining invoice history). Search capabilities include customer number, bill-to name, purchase order number, and telephone number.

Status codes for Sales Order and Quote History Inquiry queries include the following.

  • A for Active Order

  • C for Completed Order

  • X for Cancelled Order

  • Q for Quote

  • Z for Cancelled Quote

The Sales Order History Report allows you to select from a variety of sort options and selection criteria, providing a comprehensive order/quote history report. For example, printing the Sales Order History Report for deleted orders and quotes with all cancellation codes will assist you in the analysis of lost sales.


Expand/Collapse item  Purging sales order/quote history

Sales order/quote history is maintained until the Purge Order/Quote History task is performed. All sales orders and quote history records with order dates on or before the date entered are removed. You can also purge expired and obsolete orders and quotes. For more information, see Purge Sales Order Data.


Expand/Collapse item  Updating sales order/quote history during invoicing/shipping

When updating invoices, sales order/quote history is updated to reflect quantities shipped, quantities back ordered, new lines, or one-step invoices that generate a new sales order.

Note Sales order history is not intended to be a substitute for invoice history.

Freight and weight calculations performed on partially shipped lines are not reflected in sales order/quote history. Additionally, changes made to the S/O Invoice Data Entry Totals tab or changes made during the update process (such as for freight or sales tax) are not updated to sales order/quote history.


Expand/Collapse item  Creating sales order/quote history when it has not previously been retained

You can create sales order/quote history using the Create Sales Order/Quote History utility. For more information, see Retain or Create Sales Order/Quote History.


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