Using Sales Kits


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Sales kits are groups of items that are normally sold together. The kit type inventory item is referred to as a "sales kit item." Any inventory item assigned as a component of a sales kit is referred to as a "component item." The price of a sales kit usually differs from the total price of the combined items if those items are sold separately.

Some businesses choose to stock a quantity of kits in advance of any orders. This is especially applicable if kits are standardized and there are few configuration options. Other businesses never stock kits; instead, kits are assembled for each specific order. This is applicable if the kits involve many different configurations, or if the assembly process is simple and no advanced planning is required.

The Sales Order module accommodates both stocked and nonstocked sales kits. The operator can either fill the order by selecting a preassembled sales kit from inventory (stock), or select (pull) the individual component items.

Expand or collapse item  Ordering from stock

When a sales kit item is entered in Sales Order Entry or S/O Invoice Data Entry, the system displays the available quantity in the warehouse, and allows you to order the sales kit from stock. The quantity-on-hand information is displayed to help you decide whether to order the sales kit from stock or pull the individual component items.

Order the kit from stock to process the sales kit entry as a regular inventory item. Pull the individual component items to add all components for the kit to the order automatically after the completion of the sales kit line entry.


Expand or collapse item  Entering nonstocked sales kits

When a sales kit item is ordered or invoiced and it is not taken from stock, the item group is "exploded" into its individual components. This detail information for each component can then be modified in Sales Order Entry or S/O Invoice Data Entry to accommodate special kit configurations.

For more information, see:

Enter a Sales Kit

Enter Options for Standard Bills and Sales Kits

Updating Sales Analysis Information for Sales Kits

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