Assign a Default Warehouse to a Ship-To Address


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If the Inventory Management module is installed and multiple warehouses are used, goods can be ordered from a specific warehouse by default based on the customer ship-to address. The default ship-to address warehouse overrides the warehouse, if any, selected to appear by default on the Sales Order Entry and S/O Invoice Data Entry Header tab.

If an inventory item has a default warehouse associated with it as specified in the Inventory Management Item Maintenance window, the default item warehouse overrides the default ship-to address warehouse on the Sales Order Entry and S/O Invoice Data Entry Lines tab.

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A default warehouse can be assigned to a ship-to address only if the Require Multiple Warehouses check box is selected in the Inventory Management Options window.


To assign the default warehouse to the ship-to address

  1. Select Accounts Receivable Main menu > Customer Maintenance.

  2. Enter the Customer No. field. For more information, see Customer Maintenance – Fields.

  3. On the Main tab, in the Primary Ship To field, enter the ship-to code to assign a default warehouse to.

  4. Click the Primary Ship To field hyperlink.

  5. In the Customer Ship-To Address Maintenance window, in the Warehouse field, enter the default warehouse to use for all sales orders and invoices that use this ship-to address.

  6. Click Accept. In the Customer Maintenance window, click Cancel without saving changes.

  7. Select Sales Order Main menu > Sales Order Entry or Invoice Data Entry, depending on the type of entry you are creating.

  8. On the Header tab, enter the ship-to address you modified. The default warehouse appears automatically in the Whse field. For more information, see Sales Order Entry - Fields or S/O Invoice Data Entry - Fields.

The default warehouse is assigned to the ship-to address, and will appear on all sales orders and sales order invoices when the ship-to address is entered.

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