Sales Order Recap


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Sales Order Entry

Purge Sales Order Recap

Sales Order Options

Period End Processing

Accounts Receivable Options

Bill To/Sold To Maintenance

Bill To Customer Maintenance





Select Sales Order Reports menu > Sales Order Recap.


Use Sales Order Recap to view a listing of order numbers entered using Sales Order Entry. The recap information can be retained indefinitely, automatically purged at period end, or purged during Period End Processing. Deleted order numbers, as well as processed order numbers are included on this report.

The report can be sorted by sales order number, customer number, bill-to name, or bill-to customer number. You can enter a range of sales order numbers, order dates, customer numbers, bill-to names, bill-to customer numbers, and defined UDFs to print.

If the Customer Relationship Management module is set up, you can print the Sage CRM user, company, opportunity, and person information on orders and quotes if the fields are added to the form in the SAP Crystal Reports software.

If the Sales Order Recap is sorted by customer number, it includes al items on the sales order, including all miscellaneous charge codes.

This report uses the information in the Sales Order Recap file for reporting. The back ordered amount is written to the Sales Order Recap file for orders that are partially invoiced. When the Sales Order Recap is printed, the last back ordered amount is reported as the order total. Only orders that are invoiced in full show the original order amount. This report is designed to report the open order amount (back ordered amount).

Price quotes, master orders, repeating orders, RMAs, and Internet order numbers are retained in the Sales Order Recap file as well. Selecting the All Types check box in the Sales Order Types to Print section or the individual check boxes in this section includes these additional types in the report. History is not retained for master orders or repeating orders; however, master orders and repeating orders can be tracked in Sales Order Recap. Sage CRM prospect quotes are not tracked in the Sales Order Recap.

You can retain the Sales Order Recap information indefinitely by clearing the Purge S/O Recap at Period End check box in Sales Order Options. You can also manually purge the recap information up to a specified date by selecting the Purge Sales Order Recap task from the Sales Order Utilities menu.



Report Setting

Sort Report By


Sales Order Types to Print


Sales Order Statuses to Print

Default Report


Print Report Settings


Three Hole Punch

Printer Output

Number of Copies

Keep Window Open After Print


Keep Window Open After Preview


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