Shipping Rate Maintenance


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Sales Order Options





Select Sales Order Setup menu > Shipping Rate Maintenance.

This task is available only if Yes or Actual is selected in the Use Shipping Code to Calculate Freight field in Sales Order Options.


Use Shipping Rate Maintenance to establish shipping codes for automatically calculating freight charges in Sales Order Entry and  S/O Invoice Data Entry. A freight charge table is created for each shipping code, with shipping rates determined by ship weight and, optionally, by ship zone.

If the eBusiness Manager module is installed, you can also specify ship codes for use on your eBusiness Manager Web pages.

You can use ZIP Codes as ship zones. The ship zone is automatically set to the customer's ship-to ZIP Code, and freight charges are calculated based on the ship weight, amount, or product line entered on the Charges tab. The shipping code method used should be based on the number of individual shipment locations, the number of individual freight carriers, and the degree of simplicity you want in shipping rate calculation.

When you enter the last field on the Main tab, the Charges tab automatically appears.



Shipping Code




1. Main


Calculation Type

Use Ship Zone

Base Amount

Use ZIP Code as Ship Zone

Line Type

Use Prior Range of ZIP Code

Weight Calculation Method




The following field is available only if the eBusiness Manager module is integrated with Sales Order.

Internet Enabled




2. Charges


Ship Zone

Product Line

Ship Weight

Flat Rate

Invoice Amount Up To

Amount Per Quantity/Weight

Freight Charge



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