Entering Step Information


The description of the manufacturing process is called "the routing" for the work order. You can enter this information individually for each work order, or you can automatically merge step information previously defined in Routing Maintenance.

Routing Maintenance allows you to predefine operation information required by work orders. The routing can be for a particular finished product, or it can be a generic routing used to manufacture similar products where the manufacturing process is the same but the material and the finished products are different. The predefined routing can be assigned to an inventory item using Inventory Management Item Maintenance. In addition, each bill defined in the Bill of Materials module can be assigned a routing, and each component of the bill can be assigned to specific steps in the routing.

When the inventory item is specified on the Work Order Entry Header tab, the routing assigned to the item is used by the work order automatically. If the inventory item is also a bill, the routing from the bill is used instead of the routing from the inventory item. If you have not assigned any routing to the inventory item or the bill for the work order, you can manually enter a routing number in Work Order Entry.

Regardless of whether a predefined routing is used for a work order, you can enter and modify the step information for each work order. If you have modified the standard routing information, you can save the changes for future use.

Note If you use the Copy From feature on the Work Order Entry Header tab to copy information from an existing work order, the operation steps are copied from that work order. If you change the copied routing number, operation steps are pulled from the Routing file instead.

For more information, see:

Work Order Entry

Enter a Work Order

Save Work Order Steps to Routing File


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